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My name is Heidi Shinkovich, I grew up in a small town called Morgantown, WV. A college town in the Appalachian Mountains. I was informed late 2020 that I would be losing my job due to the company I was with for over 15 years was closing it's doors & moving its manufacturing operations overseas. I knew I needed to find some sort of supplemental income until I found my new career, which at age 47 was not something I had in my future plans. I brainstormed how to make this business work. My mother who is the owner of SFS Farms (Susie Fazenbaker Shinkovich) has farmed & grown vegetable plants, vegetables & flowers her whole life. I decided to incorporate her business into the Crow’s Nest to help her out. I purchased a shed & obtain my business license. With the help from friends & family who worked hard to make it look somewhat appealing, this was going to be my sales area. I wanted a way to bring people together & promote local/small businesses in the area, since they have taken a hit with the results of the pandemic. The economic impact has been devastating to some & I wanted to figure out a way to move forward & put something positive back into the community & support the unfortunate business owners & those striving to succeed.
This store is still a work in progress & I also have an “outdoor market” area where I can promote fresh, local seasonal produce.
I bet you are still wondering what the significance of the crow logo is. This property is where I grew up:
high on a hill, some say I live up in the “crow’s nest”
had a pet crow as a child (very intelligent creature I must add…not me, the crow)
the first bird I see & hear in the mornings are the crows (CAW CAW)
And now for the tomato in the nest:
back in the early 1970’s my grandfather participated in a project for a company called West Virginia Best, which consisted of growing 20,000 tomato plants. The tomatoes were WV Centennial 63 plants. They were grown on this very piece of ground where my physical store is located. The payment fell thru & all of the tomatoes were shipped off to NYC & destroyed. My grandfather was not as upset about the non-payment and hard work & dedication put into them but that the tomatoes were wasted. He was not raised to waste food, back in those days you were taught to be resourceful.
Here we are many years later & my mother is still carrying out the family tradition that her father & 3 brothers started of selling vegetables on the Monongalia County Courthouse Square back in 1956. His father sold vegetables with his horse & cart riding thru neighborhoods with his goods.
As for the vintage section of my store, well, I am blaming all that on my father, Stanley. I used to dread stopping at yard sales when I was younger. I used to sit in the car, mad & pouting, because I refused to get out. Now I catch myself frequently saying, “Turn around!! You just drove past a thrift store!”
So shop away & enjoy the crafts, jewelry & other goodies I make in my spare time & reminisce on the vintage items as you scroll thru the shopping pages. Support small business owners & farmers.
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